Building in the Millet Field

Schools for Girls in Cameroon

Bulding in the Millet Field was the titel of our first educational discourse for disadvantaged people in Africa. Afemdi is an NGO in Rhinehessen whose protagonist Elke Scheiner was involved for 10 years in the building of a school for Muslim girls and a literacy programme for children in Northern Cameroon. Our community, consisting of sponsors and students, took on the task of developing architectural designs for the building of a school in the traditional construction style.

A brochure and a short info trailer showed our view of things and our insights, which we transferred to the women and girls in Maroua and Rey Boube with the help of modern communication formats. Educational transfer ensued. Courage, hopefulness and visions helped the girls there to develop their own perspectives despite the precarious political situation. The project was awarded the Wilhelm-Dröscher Honourable Appreciation in 2015 in Berlin.